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Lavinia's Reflection

I think that our group have worked really well together. We have all been really organized, joining the call on time every session and meeting the deadlines we set for ourselves and therefore I felt like there was no pressure with not knowing what to do. Although we work well together, the online situation made it slightly more difficult to have conversations with the rest of the group and share knowledge on the topic. However, even with these circumstances our group have been able to communicate through calls and view each other’s work through Google Docs. We each have a different range of skills and this project gave us a chance to collaborate together and I am really proud of what we have accomplished.


One thing that I had been struggling with was finishing this project in the short time we had. Reaching the end of year nine, nearly all subjects have an assessment due at this time, along with exams. I had trouble balancing all of these things together and I felt like I had been put under a lot of pressure because of this.


However, because of this I feel that this project has improved my organization. Although it put me under some pressure, I think the way we allocated things to do each lesson allowed us to be especially prepared before having to hand the work in. Along with getting other projects done quickly, one of the being my IGNITE, I was able to take away some of that stress from making progress and staying organised in the Science of Life unit.


In terms of research, I think that my skills have truly developed in this time period. When researching this time, I would make sure to write down things I was unsure about or questions I had, and things to research more about. This made me understand the question on a deeper perspective and widen my knowledge in certain areas such as what is already being done to advance agriculture.


Listening to recorded lectures, as well as taking part in forums with the academics, I was able to receive a different perspective on certain parts of our project. Lectures and speaking with experts is reasonably new to me and I feel that Monika and Kim's answers to our questions added a new layer to our project, enabling us to research and discover different things we hadn’t yet thought of.


Although the project has been a challenging journey, I have enjoyed researching a topic we could decide on as a group. I found that while researching I was really getting into exploring more about the different methods of modern farming and where advancements could take the developing world.


Overall, I feel this project came together really well and I am glad that I found a new set of skills and knowledge that will prove beneficial for other classes in the future.

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